在Kubernetes上,通常需要Client来访问Kubernetes中的对象,目前最常用的是RESTClient, DynamicClient和ClientSet这三种Client。今天就先介绍下这三个Client基本含义及大概的用法。Demo的编写是参考了http://blog.csdn.net/column/details/14420.html ,非常感谢。
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| package main import ( "flag" "fmt" "k8s.io/client-go/pkg/runtime" "k8s.io/client-go/pkg/runtime/serializer" "k8s.io/client-go/pkg/api" v1 "k8s.io/client-go/pkg/api/v1" "k8s.io/client-go/pkg/api/unversioned" "k8s.io/client-go/rest" "k8s.io/client-go/tools/clientcmd" ) func main() { kubeconfig := flag.String("kubeconfig", "/root/.kube/config", "Path to a kube config. Only required if out-of-cluster.") flag.Parse() config, err := clientcmd.BuildConfigFromFlags("", *kubeconfig) if err != nil { fmt.Println("BuildConfigFromFlags error") } groupversion := &unversioned.GroupVersion{"", "v1"} config.GroupVersion = groupversion config.APIPath = "/api" config.ContentType = runtime.ContentTypeJSON config.NegotiatedSerializer = serializer.DirectCodecFactory{CodecFactory: api.Codecs} restClient, err := rest.RESTClientFor(config) if err != nil { fmt.Println("RESTClientFor error") } pod := v1.Pod{} err = restClient.Get().Resource("pods").Namespace("default").Name("nginx-1487191267-b4w5j").Do().Into(&pod) if err != nil { fmt.Println("error") } fmt.Println(pod) }
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| package main import ( "flag" "fmt" "reflect" "encoding/json" "k8s.io/client-go/pkg/api/v1" "k8s.io/client-go/pkg/api/unversioned" "k8s.io/client-go/dynamic" "k8s.io/client-go/tools/clientcmd" "k8s.io/client-go/rest" ) func main() { kubeconfig := flag.String("kubeconfig", "/root/.kube/config", "Path to a kube config. Only required if out-of-cluster.") fmt.Println(kubeconfig) flag.Parse() config, err := clientcmd.BuildConfigFromFlags("", *kubeconfig) if err != nil { fmt.Println("error1") } gv := &unversioned.GroupVersion{"", "v1"} resource := &unversioned.APIResource{Name: "pods", Namespaced: true} config.ContentConfig = rest.ContentConfig{GroupVersion: gv} config.APIPath = "/api" dynamicClient, err := dynamic.NewClient(config) if err != nil { fmt.Println("dynamic NewCLient error") } obj, err := dynamicClient.Resource(resource, "").List(&v1.ListOptions{}) if err != nil { fmt.Println("dynamicClient Resource error") } js, err := json.Marshal(reflect.ValueOf(obj).Elem().Interface()) if err != nil { fmt.Println("error") } podlist := v1.PodList{} json.Unmarshal(js, &podlist) fmt.Println(podlist) fmt.Println("------------------------") obj, err = dynamicClient.Resource(resource, "default").Get("nginx-1487191267-b4w5j") if err != nil { fmt.Println("dynamicClient Resource error") } js, err = json.Marshal(obj) if err != nil { fmt.Println("error") } pod := v1.Pod{} json.Unmarshal(js, &pod) fmt.Println(pod) }
ClientSet也是对RESTClient的一种封装,与DynamicClient不同的是,ClientSet支持衍生出具体资源的Client,如PodClient等。ClientSet是Kubernetes用的最多的Client类型 。
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| package main import ( "flag" "fmt" apiv1 "k8s.io/client-go/pkg/api/v1" "k8s.io/client-go/kubernetes" "k8s.io/client-go/tools/clientcmd" ) func main() { kubeconfig := flag.String("kubeconfig", "/root/.kube/config", "Path to a kube config. Only required if out-of-cluster.") fmt.Println(kubeconfig) flag.Parse() config, err := clientcmd.BuildConfigFromFlags("", *kubeconfig) if err != nil { fmt.Println("error") } clientset, err := kubernetes.NewForConfig(config) if err != nil { fmt.Println("error") } podClient := clientset.Core().Pods("") pods, err := podClient.List(apiv1.ListOptions{}) if err != nil { fmt.Println("error") } for _, pod := range pods.Items { fmt.Println(pod) } }